Monday, February 10, 2014


It's interesting how three holes can remind me of a broken and sinful nature, both my own and all of mankind.

The three holes are found in a concrete slab along the path of my daily (I wish it were daily, but ....not in this weather) walks.  They are the mounting holes for a relocatable traffic camera that is within a half block of an elementary school along a crowded and bustling residential street.
The thought came to me as I was walking by it...."I could do X and render it useless for the cameras" What?


WHERE did THAT come from??

I'm (generally) a law abiding, rules following person. Viewed (to use a phrase from a favorite movie, Guys and Dolls) as an upright, forthright square.  And yet, there is this vestige remnant that puts the idea in me to be a vandal.  I've never thought about destroying a stop sign, or a street lamp, or a mailbox.  So....why this?  If you ask me about the need for speed cameras along this street, I'd say yes they are needed; people travel way too fast along this route, even with children outside.

I don't know why the thought came to me to deface that foundation, but it DOES effectively remind me that all humans are fallen creatures...all have sinned (Rom 3:23), there is none righteous, no not one (Rom. 3:10).  For we all have rejected God, regardless of how good we think we are.  Our hearts are wicked and deceitful, who can know it? (Jer 17:9)

So now, I have my own visual reminder that no matter how good I pretend to be, how forthright I think I am, there are still seeds from a bad apple in me, just wanting to burst forth.

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